Tuesday, June 18, 2013


This is my last post considering this subject, and this blog. 

Today we had our presentation, and I can say, that every group made a really good job, and it was interesting how they thinking about the future. I think our presentation was also good, I tried to be short and clear as our teacher asked us, so I hope I could deliver the job. 

It was a fun experience, and I really like our class, I think we had a good time during the class. I'm going to miss my spanish classmates, I hope we can keep up the communication with each other. 

Thank to everyone for participating, and being open to us, Hungarians! 

Good bye, or to use a better phrase, which indicates that we are going to meet again: Hasta luego!  

Before I go

This is the last class we have, since we gonna have the final presentation next week. We were able to hear one group's presentation, so we could imagine how it should be. Jesús and his group made a good job, congrats to them! 

Last days, so Imma hit the pool :D

The 23rd - a la Jordan

I missed two classes, but I'm back again, and as my classmates told me, I didn't miss anything important.

As this is my 23rd post, I want to dedicate it to the best basketball player ever: Michael Jordan.
Enjoy this highlight video of his carrier.

To write about...hmm

I'm really in a bad situation, I don't know what to reflect about, because these classes we just talking some details about our presentation for like 10 minutes, then we don't really know what to do. 
Actually this class I tried to spend my time usefully, and I searched for answers to my other class' questions. 

By the way it is so crazy, that this half a year is almost over. I can't believe how fast the time can run by us.   

Nothing to do

From now on we don't have to do too much in class, so we used this time to work on our final project. As we don't have any big project, we joined forces with Javier, and we are going to present his work on fluidized bed boilers. We divided the presentation to two parts, I'm speaking about the actual process, while Gergő got the opening of the presentation. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What happened?

This was just several days ago, but a swear I can not remember what happened in this class. I mean, I was busy with correcting my work, and  finishing Gergő's SWOT analysis, and the time just flew away. The class was already over.

After all, this SWOT analysis is interesting to do, I hope I made it easier to Gergő, to improve his work, and to get a better grade. On the other hand, I still don't think, that this is the best way to evaluate personal tasks, and that this is more suitable for companies, but it is good, that in this university, we get a chance to try out what we've learnt.


Now on we have to improve our work based on the SWOT analysis of our classmate. I have to make up for some tasks because of the time a spent away from Spain, but nothing serious. My only problem is, that I lose my attention easily these days in class, and it is sunny outside. I hate to go to school when it is summer time, but I think everyone else is like this.

I can not even write anything else about this class. Although I forgot to mention, that I really liked the presentation with no projected help, just talking, it was rapid, and interesting. I like when people can get my attention, and I don't feel like I have to read what's on the wall.